New York, Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) today announced that the company has been named to the FTSE4Good Index. Created by FTSE Russell, a subsidiary of London Stock Exchange Group, the FTSE4Good Index helps promote a greater focus on sustainability among businesses and investors. The Index identifies companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices measured against international standards.“ESG has grown in importance to all of our constituents,” noted Michael Roth, Chairman and CEO, Interpublic Group. “We have been committed to increasing our work in these areas for several years now because we understand that this work matters to our investors, to our clients and to our employees. Ultimately, companies who perform well on ESG factors are more effective and better partners to their clients,” he continued.IPG has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. The FTSE4Good indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products. The FTSE4Good Assessment is a comprehensive, data-driven analysis that aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and overseen by an independent external committee comprising experts within the investment community, business, NGOs, unions and academia.IPG considers ESG factors in its business decisions, and has made operating sustainably a priority. Beginning in 2014, the company began tracking its energy use and GHG emissions and reporting on its sustainability programs in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative. IPG is now tracking energy use and GHG emissions at all of its offices around the world, and has set goals for reduction in this area. # # #About Interpublic
Interpublic is values-based, data-fueled, and creatively-driven. Major global brands include Acxiom, Craft, FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding), FutureBrand, Golin, Huge, Initiative, Jack Morton, Kinesso, MAGNA, McCann, Mediahub, Momentum, MRM, MullenLowe Group, Octagon, R/GA, UM and Weber Shandwick. Other leading brands include Avrett Free Ginsberg, Campbell Ewald, Carmichael Lynch, Deutsch, Hill Holliday, ID Media and The Martin Agency. For more information, please visit www.interpublic.com.# # #Contact Information
Tom Cunningham
(212) 704-1326Jerry Leshne
(Analysts, Investors)
(212) 704-1439
Bay Street News