MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, April 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Microbix Biosystems Inc. (TSX: MBX, Microbix®), an award-winning life sciences innovator and exporter, announces that it will be participating in the “Virtual COVID & Healthcare Mini Conference” being hosted by Adelaide Capital on April 23 from 12:00-5:00 PM ET.
The conference will showcase the contributions that Canadian companies are making to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. Microbix will be discussing its longstanding work in providing the biological core of many existing diagnostic tests for infectious diseases, including for multiple respiratory viruses and bacteria. Additionally, Microbix will discuss how its Quality Assessment Products (QAPs™) can help ensure the accuracy of diagnostic tests, including tests for respiratory viruses and, in particular, about its important new REDx™FLOQ® SARS-CoV-2 swab-based and REDx™ SARS-CoV-2 liquid-format QAPs.It has been widely reported that the recently-deployed tests for the virus causing COVID-19 disease are providing results of questionable accuracy – sometimes giving “false negative,” or “false positive” results. Microbix’s new QAPs are designed to increase the reliability of testing for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.The conference will consist of a series of 20-minute corporate presentations, a panel discussion of critical pandemic-related issues, and a keynote presentation by Mr. Eden Rahim of Next Edge Capital. Mr. Rahim is a highly-respected life-sciences portfolio manager and his presentation at the conference is entitled, “Signal from the Noise: A compass to finding COVID-19 investment opportunities.”To attend the Virtual COVID & Healthcare Mini Conference, RSVP via hyperlink (here), or by inputting https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rbV3mis6RIyQG7WFVTx2cA into your browser. The conference will also be live streamed to Adelaide Capital’s YouTube Channel (here) and a replay will also be posted. Recently, information about Microbix has been posted to the Adelaide Capital YouTube Channel and the Microbix website, including an interview on COVID-19 QAPs with Ken Hughes, COO of Microbix, and a CEO corporate Webinar presentation.Kindly note that the conference is in support of the HandSan Project. The HandSan Project is providing free 50 to 80 mL bottles of 70 to 80% ethanol hand sanitizer to high-need individuals in the Ottawa area. Further information about the HandSan Project is available from https://handsan.ca/Adelaide Capital is a full-service Investor Relations firm that provides a unique and powerful perspective on Canadian public companies and a re-engineered business model. Adelaide’s extensive capital markets experience allows it to go deeper, strategically assessing each client and tailoring a plan that charts the best path to business success as a publicly-listed company. Specializing in small and mid-capitalization companies, its offerings are enhanced by a truly formidable factor – personal relationships with an extensive and deeply-valued network of investors across North America and around the world.About Microbix Biosystems
Microbix develops proprietary biological and technology solutions for human health and well-being, with approximately 80 skilled employees and sales now usually exceeding $1 million per month on average. It makes a wide range of critical biological materials for the global diagnostics industry, notably antigens for immunoassays and its laboratory quality assessment products (QAPs™) that support clinical lab proficiency testing, enable assay development and validation, or help ensure quality control of clinical diagnostic tests. Microbix antigens and QAPs are sold to many customers worldwide, at present primarily to multinational diagnostics companies and laboratory accreditation organizations.
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