Bay Street News

Muscle Maker Grill – Delivery Operation Ramp Up and Operating Update In Response to Current COVID-19 Situation

Burleson, Texas, March 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Muscle Maker Grill (NASDAQ: GRIL) We want to provide a brief update on the current operating environment in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this is proving to be a difficult operating environment across all industry sectors, we view the role of the food industry as crucial, and we remain committed to ramping up operations to continue to serve Americans during this difficult time. Not only are we continuing to serve our guests, from our corporate restaurants and existing franchise model, but also to maintaining an eye on the future, so that we can be prepared for any shifts in the marketplace. We believe our recent announcements regarding Fort Bragg and the 10 location commitment for the delivery-only kitchens provides a clear indication of the non-traditional development direction that we are executing, in spite of the current climate and helps to best position the company for the future.
We are taking considerable strides to protect both our employees and our guests as it relates to safety protocols. A standard operating procedures guide covering guest safety measures, employee wellness, and restaurant sanitation has been sent to the entire Muscle Maker Grill system. Detailed instructions were included to ensure that we continue to uphold our brand standards. Given the operational differences within our model, these protocols vary slightly between military and non-military locations, but we remain open for take-out and delivery in most restaurants. While some of our restaurants have closed temporarily, most remain open but have reduced their hours of operation to comply with state and city recommendations, and to give our employees ample time to return home to their families.
Muscle Maker Grill is doing its part to meet the demand of delivering healthier food directly to our guests in the face of social distancing. Our staff and prep facilities are prepared and in addition we have launched 3rd party ordering (GrubHub, UberEats, Door Dash etc.) in all applicable corporate restaurants to provide safe and convenient ordering for all guests. Guests also have the option to place orders for delivery through the MMG Rewards app or online at The brand is running targeted ads around all restaurants, corporate and franchised, on social media to drive healthy meal plan sales. Delivery specific offers are available to the franchise community and are being distributed by the MMG Rewards email program. In addition, we have introduced our free nutrient dense immunity boosters to be included with smoothie and shake purchases for those looking to give their immune systems a healthy boost
Bay Street News