Bay Street News

New Pacific Reports First Results From 2018 Drill Program at Silver Sand, Bolivia

Near Surface Silver Mineralization Intercepted in 94 out of 98 holes;
Numerous Significant Intercepts include 76.63 metres grading 383 g/t 

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New Pacific Metals Corp. (TSX-V: NUAG) (OTCQX: NUPMF) (“New Pacific” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first batch of drill results from its wholly-owned Silver Sand Project in Potosí Department, Bolivia.

The drilling program commenced in mid-October 2017.  A total of 55,010 metres in 195 HQ size diamond core drill holes had been completed by mid-December 2018.  The drill program covers an area of approximately 1,600 m long in the north-south direction and up to 800 m wide in the east-west direction.  The holes were drilled along northeast 60 degree oriented sections with a 50 m spacing between the sections.  Most drill holes are drilled at dip angle of 45 degrees to penetrate the principal trend of the mineralized structure zones with an average hole length of approximately 285 m.  To date, assay results of drill core samples of 98 holes have been received and analyzed, of which 94 holes intercepted silver mineralization.

Highlights of significant drill intersections are summarized as follows (for a detailed list, please refer to Table-1 – Composited Drill Intersections of Mineralization below):

                                          incl. 76.63m @ 383g/t Ag from 50.8m to 127.43m, and
                                          incl. 7.64m @ 406g/t Ag from 178.88m to 186.52m;

                                          incl. 13.44m @ 205g/t Ag from 86.3m to 99.74m, and
                                          incl. 56.3m @ 216g/t Ag from 148.5m to 204.8m;

                                          incl. 83.5m @ 192g/t Ag from 18.0m to 101.5m;

                                          incl. 18.03m @ 362g/t Ag from 126.49m to 144.52m;

                                          incl. 38.75m @ 165g/t Ag from 12.0m to 50.75m, and
                                          incl. 4.03m @ 2,366g/t Ag from 92.43m to 96.46m;

                                          incl. 60.89m @ 251g/t Ag from 64.07m to 124.96m;

                                          incl. 4.45m @ 394g/t Ag from 44.23m to 48.68m,
                                          incl. 37.15m @ 149g/t Ag from 58.0m to 95.15m, and
                                          3.52m @ 430g/t Ag from 213.82m to 217.34m;

                                          incl. 32.0m @ 304g/t Ag from 7.9m to 39.9m;

                                          incl. 26.16m @ 252g/t Ag from 74.22m to 100.38m;

                                          incl. 26.04m @ 189g/t Ag from 27.46m to 53.5m, and
                                          incl. 31.16m @ 156g/t Ag from 81.84m to 113.0m;

                                          incl. 9.34m @ 208g/t Ag from 13.96m to 23.3m;

                                          incl. 28.5m @ 220g/t Ag from 87.0m to 115.5m;

                                          incl. 13.36m @ 475g/t Ag from 100.5m to 113.86m;

                                          incl. 54.49m @ 111g/t Ag from 23.21m to 77.7m;

                                          incl. 5.2m @ 342g/t Ag from 93.92m to 99.12m;

                                          incl. 6.23m @ 223g/t Ag from 97.77m to 104.0m, and
                                          incl. 2.0m @ 522g/t Ag from 174.62m to 176.62m;

                                          incl. 1.06m @ 1,070g/t Ag from 145.94m to 147.0m, and
                                          20.0m @ 164g/t Ag, 3.62% Pb from 249.5m to 269.5m;

                                          incl. 22.32m @ 118g/t Ag from 73.54m to 95.86m;

                                          incl. 14.71m @ 212g/t Ag from 97.16m to 111.87m;

                                          incl. 2.33m @ 1,099g/t Ag from 92.45m to 94.78m;

                                          incl. 1.0m @ 2,530g/t Ag, 1.19% Pb, 1.05% Zn from 204.52m to 205.52m;

                                          incl. 19.81m @ 175g/t Ag from 108.64m to 128.45m;

                                          incl. 17.43m @ 183g/t Ag from 323.57m to 341.0m;

                                          incl. 6.84m @ 229g/t Ag from 93.76m to 100.6m;

                                          incl. 32.77m @ 113g/t Ag from 90.36m to 123.13m;

                                          incl. 7.64m @ 164g/t Ag from 86.17m to 93.81m;

                                          incl. 3.5m @ 433g/t Ag from 169.6m to 173.1m;

                                          incl. 25.22m @ 113g/t Ag from 31.57m to 56.79m; and
                                          incl. 3.0m @ 779g/t Ag from 50.0m to 53.0m;

                                          incl. 10.0m @ 130g/t Ag from 55.5m to 65.5m.

(True width of the mineralization is unknown, but based on the current understanding of the relationship between drill direction and the mineralized structures it is estimated that true width will approximate 80% of the down hole interval length.  Please refer to Table-1 – Composited Drill Intersections of Mineralization below for details.)

Based on the drilling results, the drill holes usually penetrate first through an up to 50 m thick layer of reddish siltstone and mudstone units of Cretaceous Tarapaya Formation, then into massive altered white colour arenites or sandstones units of the Cretaceous La Puerta Formation, where silver mineralization occurs.  At the contact of these two units, massive pyrite mineralization of less than two metres in thickness, typically occurs.  Tin mineralization in the district is often associated with massive pyrite.  At depth, many drill holes end at the reddish sandstones units of the Cretaceous La Puerta Formation.  This Cretaceous Formations sit unconformably on a basement of tightly folded and faulted Paleozoic marine clastic sediments.

The mineralized sandstone and siltstone units of the Cretaceous Formations are shallow dipping or sub-horizontal, and gently folded into open synclines and anticlines with their hinges shallowly plunging to North-North-West (“NNW”) direction.  To the north of Silver Sand, the Cretaceous sediments were intruded and cut by numerous porphyrytic dacitic sills and dykes of Miocene age, which are believed to be closely associated with silver mineralization in the district.

Silver mineralization is observed to be associated with fractures and alterations in the sandstones units, which were bleached white due to sericite alteration of original reddish sandstones, resulting in a sub-horizontal mineralizing zone of up to more than two hundred metres in thickness beneath the Tarapaya red siltstone and mudstone.  The mineralized fractures generally extend NNW, sub-vertically and slightly dipping west.  The mineralized bodies were detected by drilling within an area of up to 1,600 m long in north-south direction and 800 m wide in east-west direction within the Silver Sand property limit and remain open to both the north and the west.  Mineralizing bodies were oxidized to various extents to depth.

Silver mineralization is characterized by sheeted veins, stockwork veinlets, crackle veins and breccia zones of sulfosalts and sulfides containing silver in altered sandstones.  The most common silver-containing sulfosalt is freibergite, associated with a small amount of miargyrite, polybasite, bournonite, boulangerite, andorite and bismuthinite.

Using the section 60 as a dividing line, to its south, Tarapaya red siltstones and mudstones were mostly eroded away and massive whitish altered and fractured sandstones of the La Puerta Formation exposed at surface.  Extensive mining remains of adits, drifts and stopes of colonial times exist at the steep slopes and cliffs that have more than 150 m relief with the workings extending into the mountain.  Drilling in this area has hit many of these ancient underground workings.  Silver mineralization to the south of section 60 was outlined by drilling an area of approximately 500 m long and 150 m wide the altered quartz sandstones of the La Puerta Formation, extending from surface to a depth of more than 300 m.

To the north of section 60, drilling covered an area of approximately 1,100 m long north-south and 800 m wide in the east-west direction.  Drilling in this area intercepted mineralized fracture zones right beneath the Tarapaya reddish siltstones and mudstones.  The mineralization could extend from near surface to a depth up to more than 250 m.  In comparison to the south of section 60, only a few ancient underground mining workings were encountered during drilling.  Mineralization remains open along strike and at depth in both the southern area and the northern area.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

HQ size drill core samples from altered and mineralized intervals were split into halves by diamond saw cutting with an average sample interval of one to one and half metres long at the Company’s core processing facility located in Betanzos, a local town 20 kilometres away from the project site.  Half core samples are stored in secured core storages for future reference, and the other half core samples were shipped in security sealed bags to ALS Global in Oruro, Bolivia for preparation, and ALS Global in Lima, Peru for geochemical analysis with the code of OG46 for elements of silver, lead and zinc.  Silver overlimits further go to gravimetric analysis with the code of GRA21.

A standard quality assurance and quality control (“QAQC”) protocol was employed to monitor the quality of sample preparation and analysis.  Standards of certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates were inserted in normal core sample sequences prior to shipment to lab at a ratio of 20:1, i.e., every twenty samples contain at least one standard sample, one blank sample and one duplicate sample.  The assay results of QAQC samples did not show any significant bias of analysis or contamination during sample preparation.

Technical information contained in this news release with respect to New Pacific has been reviewed and approved by Alex Zhang, P. Geo., Vice President of Exploration, who is a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”).


New Pacific is a Canadian exploration and development company which owns the Silver Sand Project in Potosí Department of Bolivia, the Tagish Lake gold project in Yukon, Canada and the RZY Project in Qinghai Province, China.  Its largest shareholders are Silvercorp Metals Inc. and Pan American Silver Corp., one of the world’s largest primary silver producers, which operates six mines, including the San Vicente mine located in the Potosí Department of Bolivia.

For further information, contact:

New Pacific Metals Corp.
Gordon Neal
Phone: (604) 633-1368
Fax:     (604) 669-9387

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This news release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of NI 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Definition Standards, which differ from the requirements of U.S. Securities laws.  NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects.

Table-1 – Composited Drill Intersections of Mineralization

Hole_id Section   Mineralized Intervals Notes
  From (m) To (m) Length (m) Ag_g/t Pb_% Zn_%
DSS245001 2450   no significant results  
DSS3201 32   31.18 32.68 1.50 34 0.02 0.03  
      126.81 128.30 1.49 88 0.08    
      167.30 176.07 8.77 101 0.01    
DSS3401 34   183.20 184.30 1.10 31 0.46    
      210.05 211.08 1.03 59 0.12    
      215.20 216.26 1.06 37 0.18 0.01  
DSS3402 34   226.72 227.73 1.01 34 0.03 0.23  
DSS3403 34   157.90 177.10 19.20 39 0.20    
      193.55 194.68 1.13 30 0.11    
      221.18 222.20 1.02 57 0.50    
DSS3601 36   no significant results  
DSS3801 38   372.22 373.34 1.12 34 0.51 0.06  
DSS3802 38   163.50 169.36 5.86 44 0.04    
      254.41 255.49 1.08 57 0.15    
      266.15 267.36 1.21 149 0.03    
DSS385001 3850   100.00 105.35 5.35 76 0.32    
      187.70 188.80 1.10 40 0.78 0.01  
      199.50 201.50 2.00 42 0.12    
      225.75 232.35 6.60 63 0.03    
DSS4001 40   no significant results  
DSS4002 40   136.60 138.75 2.15 81 0.26    
      251.70 255.60 3.90 170 0.20    
      276.27 281.30 5.03 170 0.11    
      303.50 304.53 1.03 36 0.10    
DSS405001 4050   79.36 90.80 11.44 43 0.11    
      173.09 179.42 6.33 142 0.30    
      184.00 185.13 1.13 86 0.31    
DSS4201 42   134.22 154.76 20.54 33 0.17 0.02  
DSS4202 42   75.10 78.17 3.07 41 0.19    
      84.85 86.02 1.17 32 0.23    
      98.30 105.15 6.85 62 0.08    
      118.30 119.30 1.00 111 0.09    
      125.60 127.75 2.15 84 0.02    
      179.04 205.92 26.88 102 0.10    
    incl. 179.04 195.30 16.26 158 0.13    
DSS4203 42   148.50 161.10 12.60 37 0.60 0.06  
DSS4401 44   209.12 210.20 1.08 42 0.10 0.01  
      218.52 222.67 4.15 84 2.38 0.01  
      275.80 277.00 1.20 42 0.40 0.01  
DSS4403 44   130.63 138.12 7.49 76 2.00 0.03  
      217.13 221.72 4.59 60 1.45 0.02  
DSS4404 44   87.45 97.98 10.53 77 0.03 0.05  
      138.33 139.45 1.12 59 0.13 0.02  
DSS4405 44   73.40 100.50 27.10 106 0.05    
    incl. 97.40 100.50 3.10 725 0.17    
DSS445002 4450   85.06 88.62 3.56 114 0.13 0.02  
      156.09 192.23 36.14 38 1.04 0.07  
      263.22 264.33 1.11 50 0.41 0.02  
      303.23 312.89 9.66 40 0.04 0.02  
DSS4602 46   173.35 189.72 16.37 48 1.10 0.03  
DSS4603 46   41.59 201.30 159.71 41 0.01 0.07  
    incl. 97.77 104.00 6.23 223 0.04    
    incl. 174.62 176.62 2.00 522 0.07    
DSS4604 46   107.07 112.13 5.06 1104 0.46 0.04  
      173.39 174.48 1.09 63 0.05 0.03  
DSS4605 46   101.25 126.50 25.25 49 0.04    
DSS4606 46   81.15 82.20 1.05 44 1.36 0.06  
      101.97 115.10 13.13 43 0.64 0.02  
      128.78 132.00 3.22 41 0.84 0.01  
      156.02 157.07 1.05 36 0.92 0.03  
      216.30 223.30 1.00 55 0.55 0.05  
DSS465002 4650   84.05 86.30 2.25 36   0.01  
      107.00 112.05 5.05 33   0.01  
      121.00 142.85 21.85 21 0.01 0.07  
      150.50 151.50 1.00 332 0.11 0.06  
      215.33 216.50 1.17 43 0.07 0.01  
      227.10 228.35 1.25 102 0.16 0.18  
      252.10 253.30 1.20 38 0.07 0.07  
      259.00 260.10 1.10 31 0.06 0.01  
      268.10 270.10 2.00 64 1.54 0.01  
DSS465003 4650   119.07 126.80 7.73 30 0.69 0.02  
      153.12 154.20 1.08 53 1.91 0.02  
      191.80 199.30 7.50 63 1.39 0.04  
DSS465004 4650   47.10 120.30 73.20 35 0.13 0.45  
    incl. 117.04 120.30 3.26 155 0.35 0.50  
      127.50 128.60 1.10 59 0.02 0.03  
      138.40 139.40 1.00 87 0.01 0.02  
      158.20 159.53 1.33 73 0.02    
      195.50 199.85 4.35 380 0.07 0.73  
DSS4801 48   59.30 143.78 84.48 31 0.15 0.04  
DSS4802 48   29.21 33.08 3.87 353 0.07 0.06  
    incl. 31.80 33.08 1.28 1045 0.01 0.09  
      92.45 113.54 21.09 269 0.11 0.01  
    incl. 92.45 94.78 2.33 1099 0.42 0.01  
DSS4803 48   85.45 86.53 1.08 314 0.38 0.01  
      91.26 92.30 1.04 87 0.03    
DSS4804 48   67.10 72.56 5.46 70 0.02    
      78.45 81.00 2.55 52 0.14    
      123.90 147.00 23.10 138 0.02    
    incl. 145.94 147.00 1.06 1070 0.13 0.01  
      162.25 163.25 1.00 74 0.03 0.02  
      174.60 176.90 2.30 141 0.05 0.01  
      249.50 269.50 20.00 164 3.62 0.01  
DSS4805 48   82.35 87.25 4.90 58 0.02    
      122.15 123.20 1.05 55 0.90 0.01  
      134.00 137.00 3.00 100 2.74 0.01  
      165.43 166.87 1.44 73 1.77 0.04  
      175.55 179.00 3.45 40 1.13 0.10  
      210.90 212.00 1.10 274 2.23 0.12  
      221.37 222.61 1.24 105 0.20 0.02  
      241.00 242.22 1.22 69 0.45    
DSS485001 4850   90.05 98.86 8.81 79 0.02 0.01  
      104.38 115.89 11.51 82 0.05 0.04  
      126.81 129.98 3.17 58 0.28 0.01  
      151.09 155.62 4.53 90 2.98 0.03  
      235.18 236.28 1.10 102 0.10    
      242.47 244.81 2.34 59 0.17    
      247.11 249.42 2.31 50 0.14 0.02  
      259.46 260.77 1.31 62 0.08    
DSS485002 4850   33.66 34.76 1.10 59 0.18 0.03  
      55.30 56.30 1.00 55 0.32 0.04  
      85.45 86.65 1.20 37 0.09 0.01  
      89.00 90.20 1.20 143 0.02    
      96.05 97.21 1.16 381 0.14    
      102.04 103.25 1.21 60 0.06    
      150.30 151.40 1.10 111 0.07    
      162.23 163.27 1.04 109 0.03 0.01  
DSS485003 4850   56.97 58.12 1.15 41 0.05    
      82.65 84.92 2.27 67 0.02    
      95.75 96.94 1.19 43 0.02    
      112.43 113.76 1.33 75 0.02 0.01  
      248.17 249.45 1.28 55 0.23    
      254.67 264.20 9.53 77 1.48 0.01  
      282.53 293.60 11.07 130 0.27    
DSS5003 50   62.46 128.45 65.99 83 0.07 0.06  
    incl. 108.64 128.45 19.81 175 0.08 0.01  
DSS505002 5050   18.42 19.67 1.25 77      
      58.10 60.60 2.50 44      
      65.40 67.86 2.46 182 0.01    
      79.40 80.60 1.20 55 0.01    
      103.50 109.58 6.08 76 0.03    
      153.30 156.60 3.30 107 0.05 0.01  
      168.75 169.90 1.15 195 0.07 0.01  
      176.00 187.86 11.86 37 0.34    
      203.75 214.33 10.58 93 0.09    
      283.04 286.49 3.45 244 0.09    
      290.16 291.46 1.30 53 0.02 0.02  
      309.60 310.80 1.20 228 0.02 0.01  
      316.00 317.20 1.20 203 0.03    
DSS5202 52   4.20 63.80 59.60 82 0.01    
    incl. 4.20 8.50 4.30 311      
      178.10 180.20 2.10 45 0.12    
      210.50 212.60 2.10 89 0.02 0.17  
      246.31 247.45 1.14 102 0.15    
DSS5205 52   61.00 67.50 6.50 54 0.08    
      97.25 98.30 1.05 264 0.32 0.12  
      106.36 107.60 1.24 125 0.01 0.01  
      112.15 113.30 1.15 241 0.06    
      129.50 131.55 2.05 104 0.02    
      137.00 142.45 5.45 43 0.03 0.03  
      150.60 151.60 1.00 49 0.05    
      177.58 180.10 2.52 31 0.03 0.06  
DSS525001 5250   50.80 186.52 135.72 240      
    incl. 50.80 127.43 76.63 383 0.08 0.01  
    incl. 178.88 186.52 7.64 406 0.06 0.01  
      254.30 255.80 1.50 157 0.06 0.00  
DSS525002 5250   0.92 274.86 273.94 84 0.10 0.01 8.10m minedout
    incl. 86.30 99.74 13.44 205 0.04 0.07  
    incl. 148.50 204.80 56.30 216 0.32   8.10m minedout
DSS525003 5250   47.30 149.30 102.00 82 0.06 0.05  
    incl. 100.50 113.86 13.36 475 0.19 0.01  
DSS525004 5250   25.38 26.55 1.17 127 0.07 0.01  
      45.92 125.08 79.16 78 0.03 0.02  
    incl. 73.54 95.86 22.32 118 0.03    
      171.86 178.24 6.38 46 0.01    
      228.33 234.46 6.13 153 0.13 0.01  
DSS525005 5250   28.35 131.00 102.65 66 0.02 0.04  
    incl. 93.92 99.12 5.20 342 0.04    
      148.67 149.85 1.18 90 0.01    
DSS525006 5250   14.40 55.00 40.60 58 0.05 0.52  
      76.10 78.81 2.71 116 0.01 0.01  
      85.65 89.70 4.05 192 0.04 0.01  
DSS525007 5250   140.79 141.95 1.16 44 0.02 0.02  
      163.85 165.00 1.15 68 0.38 1.00  
DSS525008 5250   1.70 64.80 63.10 75 0.06    
    incl. 49.70 56.40 6.70 213 0.15    
      132.52 134.77 2.25 45 0.05 0.05  
      187.22 188.24 1.02 144 0.02 0.06  
      194.40 195.63 1.23 41 0.03    
      211.64 216.24 4.60 84 0.34 0.07  
      218.40 219.53 1.13 46 0.01    
      231.58 232.86 1.28 42 0.02 0.01  
DSS525009 5250   59.90 238.89 178.99 96 0.03 0.02  
    incl. 126.49 144.52 18.03 362 0.03    
DSS525010 5250   12.00 118.40 106.40 154 0.04 0.03  
    incl. 12.00 50.75 38.75 165 0.04 0.04  
    incl. 92.43 96.46 4.03 2366 0.42     
      144.10 146.20 2.10 41 0.08    
      211.33 213.60 2.27 80 0.06    
DSS525011 5250   144.00 198.30 54.30 60 0.02 0.09  
    incl. 169.60 173.10 3.50 433 0.02 0.03  
DSS525012 5250   11.00 39.30 28.30 38 0.01    
      83.30 84.40 1.10 376 0.02 0.01  
      232.60 252.85 20.25 181 0.02 0.04  
DSS525013 5250   39.57 64.70 25.13 136 0.02 0.03  
DSS5403 54   13.15 14.65 1.50 192 0.10    
      34.55 38.60 4.05 239 0.05    
      147.90 152.50 4.60 55 0.03    
DSS5404 54   35.50 37.00 1.50 131 0.02 0.01  
      44.00 45.00 1.00 109 0.33 0.00  
      87.00 193.50 106.50 86 0.07 0.05  
    incl. 87.00 115.50 28.50 220 0.11 0.13  
DSS5405 54   hole failed and terminated prior to planned depth  
DSS5406 54   32.90 34.90 2.00 237 0.05    
      145.67 195.00 49.33 43 0.04 0.10  
    incl. 194.00 195.00 1.00 1100 0.40 0.10  
DSS5407 54   64.07 140.10 76.03 205 0.09 0.01  
    incl. 64.07 124.96 60.89 251 0.10 0.01  
      247.40 248.90 1.50 150 0.03 0.01  
DSS545001 5450   50.32 59.26 8.94 9 0.21 2.31  
      63.83 126.43 62.60 95 0.04 0.01  
    incl. 97.16 111.87 14.71 212 0.08 0.01  
DSS5601 56   34.22 41.30 7.08 191 0.11 0.02  
      85.43 153.00 62.87 96 0.03    
      184.16 190.16 6.00 147 0.05 0.01  
DSS5602 56   16.55 17.90 1.35 70 0.01 0.02  
      27.55 30.15 2.60 54 0.03 0.02  
      119.10 120.32 1.22 92 0.10 0.43  
      124.35 132.50 8.15 65 0.05 0.03  
      148.28 152.40 4.12 236 0.05 0.39  
DSS5603 56   6.06 7.09 1.03 81      
      24.00 29.30 5.30 59 0.01    
      47.50 50.60 3.10 83 0.04    
      77.00 78.00 1.00 95 0.02    
      82.33 83.00 0.67 58 0.10    
      87.36 98.50 11.14 172 0.09    
DSS5605 56   17.00 35.90 18.90 31 0.01 0.01  
DSS565001 5650   6.30 7.52 1.22 83 0.01 0.01  
      55.58 80.00 24.42 106 0.03   5.36m minedout
      103.07 104.30 1.23 56 0.05    
      139.82 141.00 1.18 265 0.28 1.51  
      156.39 157.45 1.06 79 0.02 0.01  
      161.00 162.12 1.12 49 0.02    
      192.84 193.90 1.06 49 0.02    
DSS5801 58   2.00 26.00 24.00 67 0.03    
    incl. 20.00 26.00 6.00 211 0.08 0.11  
      114.36 115.74 1.38 520 0.01 2.18  
      137.77 141.13 3.36 84 0.03 0.01  
      162.76 164.70 1.94 711 0.19 1.90  
      192.06 201.25 9.19 105 0.24 1.56  
DSS5802 58   212.00 227.60 15.60 77 0.14 0.64  
    incl. 212.00 213.00 1.00 991 0.31 0.86  
      249.65 264.14 14.49 62 0.05 0.07  
DSS5803 58   18.00 190.00 172.00 110 0.03 0.03  
    incl. 18.00 101.50 83.50 192 0.04    
DSS5804 58   18.19 102.40 84.21 33 0.04 0.02  
DSS5805 58   17.10 18.39 1.29 344 0.14    
      49.48 61.71 12.23 69 0.13    
DSS5806     13.96 160.65 146.69 63 0.06 0.02 21.55m minedout
    incl. 13.96 23.30 9.34 208 0.03 0.25  
      260.15 261.24 1.09 53 0.05    
      264.74 265.90 1.16 48 0.05    
      267.00 268.11 1.11 55 0.02    
DSS6001 60   100.67 140.60 39.93 49 0.07 0.32  
DSS6002 60   48.28 57.17 8.89 93 0.18 0.11  
      103.92 110.24 6.32 38 0.11    
      152.00 177.93 25.93 54 0.09 0.19  
      203.59 213.84 10.25 45      
      239.30 242.40 3.10 154      
DSS6003 60   116.45 117.45 1.00 43      
      155.77 157.27 1.50 32 0.01    
DSS6004 60   29.00 30.00 1.00 122      
DSS6201 62   20.85 22.00 1.15 55 0.02 0.01  
      29.52 31.02 1.50 245 7.13 0.01  
      99.75 100.85 1.10 106 0.19 0.33  
      105.74 109.50 3.76 70 0.12 0.01  
      119.93 189.60 69.67 116 0.07 0.02 2.7m minedout
      205.10 206.40 1.30 48 0.04 0.21  
      252.50 253.60 1.15 66 0.08 1.19  
DSS6202 62   21.68 22.70 1.02 45 0.01    
      27.27 28.30 1.03 68 0.02 0.12  
      233.00 235.00 2.00 57 0.01 0.01  
      262.56 283.42 20.86 84 0.12 0.30  
      306.14 370.40 64.26 84 0.13 0.07  
    incl. 323.57 341.00 17.43 183 0.09 0.01  
      379.73 380.73 1.00 35 0.53 1.05  
      383.11 384.15 1.04 197 1.10 0.55  
      388.40 391.55 3.15 222 0.33 0.51  
      404.05 406.63 2.58 96 0.07 0.10  
DSS6203 62   25.37 26.35 0.98 52 0.33 1.90  
      30.89 31.89 1.00 39 0.24 0.03  
      295.00 296.00 1.00 362 0.13 1.10  
DSS6401 64   12.32 97.11 84.79 58 0.05 0.02 20m minedout
DSS6402 64   18.10 175.78 157.68 66 0.07 0.19 15.79m minedout
    incl. 74.42 100.38 26.16 252 0.09   9.12m minedout
DSS6403 64   40.75 42.20 1.45 117 0.15    
      82.15 273.50 191.35 42      
DSS645001 6450   27.46 113.00 85.54 119 0.06 0.01 7.85m minedout
    incl. 27.46 53.50 26.04 189 0.05    
    incl. 81.84 113.00 31.16 156 0.09 0.02 4.48m minedout
      231.50 235.98 4.48 250 0.39 1.15  
DSS645002 6450   23.21 196.55 173.34 48 0.05 0.19  
    incl. 23.21 77.70 54.49 111 0.04 0.01  
      202.42 203.86 1.44 45 0.03 0.01  
      205.30 206.70 1.40 42 0.03 0.09  
      212.58 213.80 1.22 47 0.18 0.08  
DSS645003 6450   35.40 36.44 1.04 74 0.06 0.13  
DSS6603 66   7.17 23.10 15.93 265 0.05   terminated in mineralization
      24.43 26.00 1.57 15 0.18 3.39
DSS6603A 66   7.90 73.15 65.25 181 0.08 0.10  
    Incl. 7.90 39.90 32.00 304 0.08 0.15  
      179.32 180.60 1.28 114 0.47 0.87  
      204.86 207.42 2.56 215 0.02 0.08  
DSS6604 66   0.00 56.79 56.79 56 0.04 0.04  
     Incl. 50.00 53.00 3.00 779 0.07 0.01  
      70.50 71.93 1.43 84 0.02 0.01  
      89.50 91.00 1.50 77 0.34 0.01  
      220.10 223.15 3.05 79 0.01    
      231.45 232.50 1.05 39 0.33 0.01  
      245.85 247.00 1.15 56 0.36    
      255.65 256.80 1.15 43 0.04    
      275.28 276.30 1.02 38 0.02    
DSS6605 66   30.71 36.14 5.43 32 0.04    
      53.85 58.00 4.15 110 0.03    
      228.24 266.00 37.76 30 0.13   terminated in mineralization
     Incl. 253.70 256.40 2.70 128 0.03  
DSS6606 66   58.57 59.60 1.03 391 0.03    
      64.40 65.60 1.20 126 0.05    
      132.50 133.77 1.27 72 0.01    
      230.12 231.50 1.80 39 0.06 0.01  
DSS6607 66   28.40 151.12 122.72 46 0.07 0.10 31m minedout
      204.52 205.52 1.00 2530 1.19 1.05  
      222.74 223.81 1.07 410 0.18 2.23  
      228.30 229.38 1.08 60 0.59    
DSS6608 66   58.70 247.49 188.79 43  0.08   0.10   
      269.24 272.19 2.95 69 0.15 0.04  
      281.55 282.92 1.37 74 0.04 0.02  
      296.75 300.90 4.15 69 0.05 0.04  
DSS665001 6650   44.23 134.00 89.77 115 0.12 0.31 7.3m minedout
    incl. 44.23 48.68 4.45 394 0.06 0.01  
    incl. 58.00 95.15 37.15 149 0.17 0.34 7.3m minedout
      170.60 172.80 2.20 51 0.14 0.06  
      177.60 178.82 1.22 60 0.11 0.21  
      213.82 217.34 3.52 430 0.41 0.13  
DSS665002 6650   61.60 188.23 126.63 44 0.16 0.43  
    incl.  162.00 164.10 2.10 708 1.45 2.19  
      231.04 232.04 1.00 80 0.18 2.37  
DSS665003 6650   60.00 61.00 1.00 57 0.01    
      71.60 153.28 81.68 65 0.05 0.10  
    incl. 93.76 100.60 6.84 229 0.03 0.01  
      261.30 269.40 8.10 67 0.01    
DSS6801 68   31.65 32.65 1.00 73 0.01    
      55.50 130.90 75.40 42 0.09 0.09  
    incl. 55.50 65.50 10.00 130 0.06    
      232.25 234.25 2.00 121 0.11 0.01  
      257.40 259.40 2.00 189 0.24 1.08  
      307.10 314.75 7.65 99 0.03 0.07  
DSS6802 68   20.90 32.15 11.25 79      
      86.17 156.30 69.06 50 0.10 0.06  
    incl. 86.17 93.81 7.64 164 0.04    
      188.45 190.45 2.00 35 0.25 0.02  
      208.50 244.30 35.80 33 0.06 0.05  
      271.70 274.00 2.30 38 0.05    
DSS685001 6850   76.00 109.30 33.30 82 0.16 0.03  
      121.87 126.00 4.13 58 0.13 0.28  
      148.10 150.15 2.05 57 0.54 2.73  
      176.00 177.00 1.00 79 0.68 0.33  
      197.20 199.70 2.50 47 0.02    
      208.25 212.70 4.45 127 0.10 0.19  
DSS7001 70   20.60 21.82 1.22 30 0.37 0.19  
      31.00 38.95 7.95 64 0.22 0.00  
      70.03 130.35 60.32 76 0.11 0.13  
    incl. 90.36 123.13 32.77 113 0.16 0.23  
      148.90 154.75 5.85 122 0.02 0.02  
      165.01 166.27 1.26 41 0.02 0.00  
DSS7201 72   232.14 233.40 1.26 85 0.05 0.06  
      301.73 303.16 1.43 95      


  1. “g/t” = grams per metric tonne.
  2. Table-1 shows composited intervals from the drilling program that average greater than 30 g/t.  These composited intervals may include samples containing less than 30 g/t between higher grade samples.
  3. “Length (m)” is the drill core length in metres.  The true width of the mineralized zones is estimated to be approximately 80% of the drill intervals based on the current understanding of the relationship between drill direction and the angles of the mineralized structures.