Bay Street News

NYMOX Provides Current Update on Key Company Developments

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N.J., July 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation (NASDAQ: NYMX) is pleased to report current updates on the Company’s most important ongoing developments. The Company reports further significant and important progress has been made with remaining items for the upcoming regulatory filings in 2020 for the Company’s first in class innovative prostate drug Fexapotide Triflutate (FT). The Company has moved swiftly ahead on its regulatory marketing applications by remote work with a strong team of expert collaborators, even with the occasional difficulties from the Covid situation leading to restricted or delayed access to certain required sources and to sites included in the Company’s studies.
Nymox is also pleased to announce that it has recently formally filed with the regulatory authorities for new trademark brand names for FT in different jurisdictions including US and Europe. The Company will report further on these regulatory filings as they proceed.Nymox also announces that since its last communication, several FT-related patents have been newly granted based on applications filed in the recent past. FT has very strong global patent protection which translates into exclusivity rights in the major global markets.The Company will continue to provide regular updates on the progress in its regulatory filings which are expected in the near-term horizon.Fexapotide (FT) has been designed and targeted for middle aged and elderly men throughout the world, who as they get older, develop enlarged prostate glands (BPH). Men with BPH often have progressive difficulties with urination and related symptoms that have serious impact upon their lives, causing discomfort, restricting activities, disrupting sleep, and leading to serious complications. With advancing age, a majority of men will have some degree of prostate enlargement, often with the resulting distressing urinary tract symptoms. Many men end up needing invasive surgery which can have long-term side effects such as permanent retrograde ejaculation and other risks.FT has shown long-term effectiveness for BPH without the distressing side effects often unavoidable with the available drugs and procedures. The results from the main U.S. multi-center randomized prospective blinded long-term studies of FT for BPH have been published in prestigious peer review journals including World Journal of Urology 2018 36: 801-809 (Fexapotide triflutate: results of long-term safety and efficacy trials of a novel injectable therapy for symptomatic prostate enlargement  authored by Neal Shore, Myrtle Beach, SC; Ronald Tutrone, Baltimore, MD; Mitchell Efros, Garden City, NY; Mohamed Bidair, San Diego, CA; Barton Wachs, Long Beach, CA; Susan Kalota, Tucson, AZ; Sheldon Freedman, Las Vegas, NV; James Bailen, Louisville, KY; Richard Levin, Towson, MD; Stephen Richardson, Salt Lake City, UT; Jed Kaminetsky, New York, NY; Jeffrey Snyder, Denver, CO; Barry Shepard, Garden City, NY; Kenneth Goldberg, Lewisville, TX); Alan Hay, Salem, OR; Steven Gange, Salt Lake City, UT; Ivan Grunberger, Brooklyn, NY (https :// 5-018-2185-y)) and Therapeutic Advances in Urology 2019, Vol. 11: 1–16  (Efficacy and safety of fexapotide triflutate in outpatient medical treatment of male lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia authored by Neal Shore, Ronald Tutrone and Claus  G. Roehrborn  ( Scientific studies were published recently in the highly regarded Research and Reports in Urology (2019 11:343-350) ( 
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