Typhoon Found Up to 81,8 g/t Gold on Monexco, Chibougamau

LAVAL, CANADA–(Marketwired – July 18, 2017) – Exploration Typhon Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TYP) (the « Company ») has finalized his compilation and interpretation works on the Monexco property (100% interest), located about 30 kilometres North-East from the town of Chibougamau, inside the North Plan Territory.

The 2016 works covered existing trenches which possess historical gold results with a tight composite sampling. The objective was to outline gold enrichment halos surrounding quartz veins systems. This approach was set up to be able to define best drilling orientation for future works.


Total of 165 samples were taken on 4 trenches and mechanically stripped outcrops distant from each other from 50 to 100 metres. Spacing between samples varies between 2 and 5 metres. In the Monexco context, gold mineralization takes the form of quartz-tourmaline and quartz-carbonate veins networks following respectively North-East and East-West orientation. Gold bearing structures are identified by strong iron carbonate alteration developed along quartz-feldspath porphyry dykes contacts (see sketch appended).

VG trench

  • Best results were obtained from the « VG » trench with 21 assays above 1 g/t gold of a total of 70 samples. Gold values obtained vary between 1.7 and 81.8 grams of gold per tonne.
  • The length of the sampling zone is approximately 60 metres following a North-South axe, and reach an average of 25 metres following the East-West trend. Best grades are concentrated inside 5 metres on both sides of a North-East fractures zones exposed on the bedrock.

MONEXCO trench

  • The main Monexco showing was covered with 20 samples including 8 results above 1 g/t Au. These results vary between 1.2 and 12.3 gram of gold per tonne.
  • The sampled area is about 10 metres along a North-South trend, and 60 metres following the East-West regional orientation. Gold enrichment is controlled by a stratigraphic contact inside the volcanic sequence exposed over a strike length of about 35 metres.


  • The stripped outcrop of Monexco East is about 60 metres further East from the Monexco trench. From fifty-one (51) samples collected, 15 returned results above 1 g/t gold. Gold values inside this group vary between 1.1 and 18.8 grams of gold per tonne.
  • Higher gold grades are associated with a North-East fractures zones exposed and sampled over a strike length of 50 metres. Mineralization is related to quartz-tourmaline veins running parallel to structures.

MONEXCO WEST trench area

  • The Monexco West trench area is located about 75 metres West of the Monexco trench. 20 samples were taken on exposed bedrock of the main work, while 5 others originate from a test pits made 50 metres almost due north of Monexco West.
  • The series of 25 samples returned 7 results above 1 g/t. Gold values vary between 1.0 and 9.5 grams of gold per tonne. Better results came from the northern test pit with three close samples giving 2.3, 4.4 and 9.5 grams of gold per tonne. This previously un sampled location corresponds to the discovery of a new gold bearing structure about 50 metres north of the initial Monexco trend .


  • To some extents, at trenches scale (20 to 30 metres), the sampling confirmed that secondary structures of North-South to North-East orientations play a role in the gold enrichment. Overall, the density of sampling points showing grade above 1 g/t increases in function of the importance and density of this type of fractures pattern.
  • Geological mapping done over the years confirmed the correlation of the quartz-feldspath porphyry dykes between trenches and stripped outcrops along an East-West trend. At that stage, only the Monexco trend trend is recognizable over a strike length of about 400 metres. Dykes observed 50 to 75 metres North and South, respectively on the Monexco West area and on the VG trench can be considered open westward and eastward for future works.


VG TRENCH, 2016 Composite Sampling
Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S279519 572237 5538808 0.123
S279520 572248 5538808 <0.005
S279521 572252 5538815 0.569
S279522 572259 5538814 9.77
S279523 572258 5538812 0.009
S279524 572250 5538802 9.46
S279525 572250 5538797 0.019
S279526 572249 5538797 0.287
S279527 572247 5538796 0.827
S279528 572242 5538800 0.014
S279529 572247 5538796 0.009
S279530 572238 5538792 <0.005
S279531 572234 5538793 0.609
S279532 572253 5538799 <0.005
S279533 572259 5538802 0.008
S279534 572261 5538801 0.019
S279535 572265 5538800 0.007
S279536 572264 5538806 0.825
S279537 572273 5538802 0.015
S279538 572275 5538803 0.018
S279539 572277 5538802 <0.005
S279540 572274 5538807 0.018
S279541 572277 5538802 0.021
S279542 572277 5538802 1.925
S279543 572277 5538802 0.199
S279544 572277 5538802 0.016
S279545 572285 5538824 0.077
S279546 572281 5538824 0.02
S279547 572266 5538829 0.898
S279548 572264 5538816 6.49
S279549 572256 5538816 5.05
S280401 572264 5538831 0.014
S280402 572264 5538828 0.009
S280403 572263 5538830 <0.005
S280404 572266 5538828 0.765
Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S280405 572269 5538832 <0.005
S280406 572266 5538828 <0.005
S280407 572270 5538832 0.006
S280408 572269 5538839 0.026
S280409 572277 5538841 0.118
S280410 572276 5538842 2.21
S280411 572275 5538844 0.11
S280412 572254 5538813 17.45
S280413 572256 5538813 0.02
S280414 572257 5538812 18.6
S280419 572252 5538803 0.013
S280420 572261 5538805 <0.005
S280421 572248 5538803 <0.005
S280422 572257 5538799 0.007
S280423 572249 5538804 0.219
S280424 572250 5538798 2.71
S280425 572249 5538796 0.37
S280426 572249 5538796 0.112
S280427 572249 5538798 0.206
S279665 572263 5538826 0.006
S280481 572273 5538809 0.036
S280482 572277 5538815 18.5
S280483 572277 5538815 3.73
S280484 572270 5538812 81.8
S280485 572270 5538812 0.36
S280485 572268 5538814 29.1
S280492 572289 5538814 0.258
S280493 572279 5538814 2.92
S280494 572277 5538812 0.016
S280495 572277 5538813 1.68
S280496 572276 5538814 4.54
S280497 572276 5538814 6.53
S280498 572276 5538814 19.75
S280499 572275 5538813 54.7
S280500 572275 5538813 14.75
MONEXCO TRENCH, 2016 Composite Sampling
Sample number longitude latitude Au Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S279792 572307 5538915 0.102 S279827 572272 5538922 0.174
S279793 572302 5538918 0.603 S279828 572268 5538920 9.05
S279794 572305 5538915 0.073 S279829 572264 5538917 0.561
S279795 572304 5538909 0.007 S279830 572263 5538918 3.88
S279796 572301 5538913 <0.005 S279831 572261 5538924 0.206
S279797 572299 5538913 0.024 S279832 572257 5538921 0.136
S279798 572295 5538908 12.25 S279833 572267 5538923 0.008
S279799 572296 5538912 1.505 S279834 572255 5538924 0.068
S279800 572296 5538912 2.57 S279835 572254 5538918 6.57
S279824 572288 5538913 0.174 S279836 572253 5538921 0.249
S279825 572284 5538912 0.018 S279837 572254 5538922 10.35
S279826 572281 5538915 1.235 S279838 572250 5538920 0.02
MONEXCO EAST TRENCH, 2016 Composite Sampling
Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S280022 572390 5538881 <0.005
S280023 572396 5538883 0.008
S280024 572417 5538880 <0.005
S280025 572417 5538875 0.021
S280026 572416 5538879 0.189
S280027 572418 5538881 0.727
S280028 572421 5538878 0.196
S280029 572444 5538891 11.6
S280030 572445 5538894 4.06
S280031 572446 5538889 0.08
S280032 572446 5538891 0.269
S280033 572446 5538888 0.006
S280034 572446 5538888 0.03
S280035 572451 5538890 2.94
S279811 572396 5538892 0.007
S279812 572403 5538892 0.007
S279813 572406 5538893 <0.005
S279814 572407 5538893 0.006
S279815 572409 5538892 <0.005
S279816 572410 5538890 18.8
S279817 572421 5538896 0.011
S279758 572409 5538885 2.59
S279759 572411 5538879 0.846
S279760 572418 5538880 <0.005
S279761 572413 5538878 0.007
Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S279762 572412 5538883 <0.005
S279763 572412 5538881 1.14
S279764 572419 5538880 0.117
S279765 572414 5538876 0.582
S279766 572425 5538887 0.068
S279767 572430 5538885 2.69
S279768 572429 5538888 0.151
S279769 572427 5538880 0.359
S279770 572435 5538883 4.89
S279771 572448 5538880 0.68
S279772 572437 5538889 3.17
S279773 572441 5538887 1.955
S279774 572444 5538887 0.71
S279775 572446 5538893 0.953
S279784 572446 5538880 0.009
S279785 572445 5538895 0.188
S279786 572447 5538887 1.07
S279787 572437 5538877 0.056
S279788 572440 5538874 0.018
S279789 572442 5538873 0.434
S279790 572441 5538875 0.092
S280446 572449 5538891 1.375
S280447 572410 5538892 2.27
S280448 572429 5538889 1.2
S280449 572413 5538878 7.54
S280450 572418 5538882 0.579
MONEXCO WEST TRENCH, 2016 Composite Sampling
Sample number longitude latitude Au Sample number longitude latitude Au
UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t UTMnad83 UTMnad83 g/t
S279839 572040 5538933 0.505 S279701 572056 5538935 0.78
S279840 572047 5538931 1.16 S279702 572056 5538921 0.045
S279841 572047 5538933 0.008 S279703 572060 5538931 0.884
S279842 572048 5538930 0.076 S279704 572061 5538930 0.544
S279843 572047 5538926 3.92 S279705 572062 5538928 1.015
S279844 572050 5538926 0.523 S279706 572068 5538932 0.042
S279845 572046 5538926 1.255 S279707 572069 5538933 0.009
S279846 572049 5538928 0.064 S279708 572077 5538934 <0.005
S279847 572052 5538928 0.027 S279666 572051 5538988 2.31
S279848 572052 5538929 0.008 S279667 572053 5538988 4.35
S279849 572051 5538931 0.011 S279668 572057 5538989 0.007
S279850 572051 5538936 0.19 S279669 572054 5538987 9.5
S279670 572051 5539005 0.012


Samples are positioned using a handheld Garmin GPS, recorded as referenced points (waypoints). The accuracy of measurement can vary significantly inside a range of 2 to 15 metres. Depending of the quality of the measurement, sampling stations have been moved according to outcrop mapping to respect the relative position of samples position.

Samples were assays by fire assay on 30 grams cut with an ICP-MS finish. Results above 10 g/t gold are re assayed with a gravimetric finish. ALS Chemex assaying services are used for this program.


Typhoon focuses on the top of the class mineral potential of Québec for exploring and developing the next generation of world class deposits. The unfailing support of our shareholders (detaining 36,177,791 outstanding shares) and business partners contribute to the success of the Company.

Typhoon common shares are listed on the TSX Ventures Exchange under the stock symbol TYP.


Information of technical nature which appears in this press release was revised by M. Martin Demers, P.Geo. (OGQ), Technical Advisor for Typhoon Exploration. M. Demers is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined by the National Instrument 43-101.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

A map is available at the following address: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/1099302a_fig1.pdf

David Mc Donald
[email protected]